Welcome to St Mary the Virgin, Walton Church
Part of the Walton Team Ministry
For more information see Home Page
"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." - John 1:5
Sunday Service is 10.30am Eucharist, with robed choir
In Praise of St. Mary’s
Thoughts on Open Day
by Brenda Tillston
There’s a lovely church in Walton,
St. Mary’s on the Hill
Its stones were laid in bygone days
but beauty lingers still.
The noisy, bustling city,
Swirls around its walls,
But once inside this hallowed place
The peace of God still calls.
Come and view the treasures here,
There’s such a lot to see,
You’ll find a friendly welcome
And a cheering cup of tea.
Spend an hour with kindly folk,
And listen to their tales.
Climb up the tower tall,
and glimpse a bit of Wales!
Just come, and when you leave
keep in your heart a little space
For lovely old St. Mary’s
Its beauty, peace and grace.

The Font is over 1000 years old

The Church was destroyed in the May Blitz of 1941, rebuit, and reopened in 1953.
Saxon Cross is 1200 years old
St Mary the Virgin, known locally as Walton Church, Walton on the Hill, stands in a commanding position with its red hunter sandstone brick and 118 ft tower. Its history dates back further than the Domesday book where it is said that “a priest at Botelai (Bootle) has one carucate of land (here belonging) to the church of Waltone.”
You can read more about the history of Walton Church by clicking on the following link Walton Parish Church.
The church we see before us today has been rebuilt and altered many times over the last millennium; its most recent form came after the church was almost entirely destroyed by German incendiaries on the nights of the 3rd and 4th of May in 1941. Rebuilding commenced in 1947, to the design of Lt. Col. Ernest Gee, T.D., F.R.I.B.A., a well known Liverpool architect.
Today,the church witnesses to the presence of God in our community, and it provides the opportunity for worship and prayer. Day by day the church’s round of prayer and praise is offered, and members of God’s family can come to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion. Children are baptised at the ancient font, couples are married at the Chancel Step. Our bell tower houses eight bells and we often have visiting bell ringers who come to ring the bells. Our stained glass windows are unique.
We are a lively church with an emphasis on music with wonderful acoustics. We love to worship the Lord and we strive to foster a sense of friendship and community within the church and to reach out to those outside the church especially those who feel isolated or lonely. You can be assured of a warm welcome.
Sunday Service
10.30 am
Everyone Welcome.
County Road
Liverpool L4 5PW
Postal address:
2 Liston Street
Liverpool L4 5RT
Giving financial support to St Mary's, Walton Church.
There are a few ways you can give financial support to us:
1. We have an envelope giving scheme in which you can make your donation. This is strictly confidential.
2. We have a donation box at the back of the church, where you come in.
3. You can set up a standing order.
3. You can make a one off donation using our pay pal account. Just click the button.