House blessings and home visits
Moving into a new house is always a special moment and, on a suitable occasion the clergy can visit and bless your house.
A home visit can be arranged when a person is unable to attend church and would like to see a member of the clergy or to take communion.
House Blessing.
At a house blessing a member of the clergy comes to the house and says prayers and sprinkles Holy Water as a symbol of new life, healing and deliverance from evil. Many people feel that this helps them to settle into their new home and hope it will become a place of safety and happiness.

Home Visit.
A home visit usually takes place when someone is unable to attend church due to illness. It can also be useful should someone who needs prayers for particular needs or for anyone who wishes to take communion.
To arrange an appointment
Please contact the Parish Office on 0151 525 3130 or email us using the link below.