Young People
Young people are an integral part of our community. We offer a number of events and services to suit their differing interests and needs.
Open Doors or stay and play

Open doors or Stay and Play happens on Friday mornings between 9.30 and 11.30 am in Walton Cornerstone, 2 Liston Street, Off Bedford Road, Liverpool 4.
It is an opportunity for parents and carers to bring children under 4 together for play, activities, stories and fun. It meets during term time only. For more information ring 0151 525 2498

Beavers, cubs, and scouts

St Mary the Virgin, Walton Church
Old Grammar School.
Beavers: age 6 - 8 / Tuesday 5.30 - 6.30 pm
Cubs: age 8 - 10.5 years /Tuesday 6.30 to 8 pm
For more information contact Pam on 0151
Butterflies Girls Club

This takes place on Friday evenings and is for girls between 4 and 8 years.
Location St Aidan's Church Hall,
6.30 to 7.45 pm.
Eaglets Young Persons Group

This is for children age 8+.
It takes place in St Aidan's Church Hall, Cherry Lane, on Friday evenings between 6.30 and 7.45 pm.
St Mary's Choir

Junior age 7 and up.
St Mary's Thursday evening 6.45 to 7.45pm.
For more information contact our Choir Master James Gallagher.
Youth Club

A youth club is held on Friday at St Nathanael, Fazakerley Road between 6 and 7.30 pm for 8 -12 year old.
(children from the age of 5 are also allowed provided they are accompanied by a parent)
£1 admission.
St Mary's Bellringers

The bells are rung each Sunday morning and have also been rung on important occasions in the Church's life.
There are eight bells and new bell ringers are always welcome.
Contact tower captain on 525 3265.
Confirmation classes

It has been the usual practice in the Church of England for children to be confirmed when they are in year 6. Confirmation means confirming the promises made at Baptism. Confirmation classes are normally held at St Aidan's Church from February until the service which is always on Ascension Day which is 40 days after Easter.
Contact the Rector on 525 3130.
Timestep Dance School

Timestep Dance School meet on Saturday mornings at St Aidan's Church Hall between 10am and 2pm.
For more information Contact Jill on 0151 226 8020